Author: Sanjay Rath

Sanjay Rath comes from a traditional family of astrologers from Bira Balabhadrapur Sasan village in Puri, which trace their lineage back to Shri Achyuta Das (Acyutananda)
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JSP Webinar #2.03

 Sanjay Rath  October 20, 2017

JSP Webinar
Date: Saturday, October 21, 2017;
Time: 7:00 PM India Time

We are continuing the discussions around the lessons. These pre-lessons are to bring you up tp speed with the Jaimini Scholar Program and it is imeprative that you try to attend.

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JSP Webinar #2.02

 Sanjay Rath  October 15, 2017

We are continuing the discussions around the lessons. These pre-lessons are to bring you up tp speed with the Jaimini Scholar Program and it is imeprative that you try to attend. if you cannot then at least listen to the recordings and attempt the homework.

Download Lesson 2.02

Subject: Understanding the Tradition
We can understand only when we know what the tradition is about. What is Utkaliya Vaishnava and how is it so very different from Dakshina (South) Vaishnavas or even the Gaudiya. To do so first we learn a little about the parama guru Shri Achyutananda Dasa.

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JSP Webinar #2.01A

 Sanjay Rath  October 8, 2017

Document JS Lesson 2.01, 2.01A Topic Language of the Ṛṣi; Ṛṣi-Kulyā as the river or śaktī of the ṛṣi that…

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Student Certification Guidelines

 Sanjay Rath  October 7, 2017

The final assessment of Jaimini Scholar students, after completing all 4 Adhyayas of the JUS Course with their personal Jaimini Scholar Mentor, will be by oral examination (Viva Voce), in the tradition of our Jyotish parampara.
The first point to note is that assessment is not about pass or fail. Either the student is ready to become a Certified Jaimini Scholar or not.

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JSP Webinar #2.01

 Sanjay Rath  October 1, 2017

Document JS Lesson 2.01, 2.01A Topic Language of the Ṛṣi; Ṛṣi-Kulyā as the river or śaktī of the ṛṣi that…

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JSL 2.02

 Sanjay Rath  October 1, 2017

Standard Password for all Lessons
Assignment Lesson 2.01
Ṛṣi means a sanctified seer of Vedic knowledge and the word Maharṣi is derived from two words Mahā and Ṛṣi. The word Ṛṣi is derived from dṛṣ (as in dṛṣṭi) meaning to see and indicates one with the ability of divine sight, a seer. The word generally refers to a singer of sacred hymns, an inspired poet or sage, or any person who invokes the deities in rhythmical sacred speech or songs (e.g. the ancient Ṛk Veda ṛṣis – Kutsa, Atri, Agastya and Vasiṣṭha.

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Upcoming Events

 Sanjay Rath  September 30, 2017

The events listed for are webinars. The general address is but that will not work if the webinar has a specific code.

You should download the App and then enter the Webinar Code which can be something like 123-163-738 or any number. Alternatively if you are accessing through a browser, then you can directly go to
Download Join.Me App

Note that the number is the same both for the App as well as the link.

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JSL 2.01

 Sanjay Rath  March 30, 2017  1 Comment on JSL 2.01

brahmā rudraḥ kumāro harivaruṇayamā vahnirindraḥ kubera-
ścandrādityau sarasvatyudadhiyuganagā vāyururvī bhujaṅgāḥ|
siddhā nadyo’śvinau śrīrditirditisutā mātaraścaṇḍikādyā
vedāstīrthāni yajñā gaṇavasumunayaḥ pāntu nityaṁ grahāśca||1||
Translation: Obeisance to God [in the forms of] Brahma, Rudra, Kārtikeya, Hari, Varuṇa, Yama, Agni, Indra, Kubera, Candra, Āditya, Sarasvatī, Samudra (oceans), Yuga, Parvata (mountains), Vāyu, Pṛthvi, Nāgas, Siddhas, Nadī (rivers), Aśvinī Kumara, Lakṣmī, Sons of Diti (Daitya) and Aditi (Āditya), Caṇḍīkā and mothers, Vedas, Tīrtha, Yajña, Gaṇa, Vasava, Muni and the Graha.
भार्गवे ब्रह्मणस्पतये सूर्याय पराशराय ससुताय।
गर्गाय च अष्टदसऋषये नमोऽस्तु ज्योतिषशास्त्रकर्तृभ्यः॥
bhārgave brahmaṇaspataye sūryāya parāśarāya sasutāya|
gargāya ca aṣṭadasaṛṣaye namo’stu jyotiṣaśāstrakartṛbhyaḥ||
Translation: Obeisance to the eighteen seers of

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KaTaPaYadi Varga 02

 Sanjay Rath  March 13, 2017

You have been invited to a JSP online meeting
Meeting Code: 134-318-055
1. Kaṭapayādi Varga

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KaTaPaYadi Varga 01

 Sanjay Rath  March 13, 2017

You have been invited to a JSP online meeting
Meeting Code: 151-787-761
1. Kaṭapayādi Varga
2. Vargāṅka

Date: Thursday, 16 Mar, 2017
Time: 7:00′ PM (1900 hrs) India Time Click Here for your time
This is a video conference
Join the meeting:
On a computer, use any browser. Nothing to download.
On a phone or tablet, launch the app

Join the meeting:
On a computer, use any browser.